Dog separation anxiety explained in 10 mins...

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Spoiler alert: it's not your fault!


Hi, I’m Julie. For the last 15 years I have helped 100s of clients leave the house while their dogs stay home, relaxed and enjoying the peace and quiet.

I've taken what I've learned and created a FREE 10-minute video that will help you to start helping your dog overcome separation anxiety today.


Learn more about dog separation anxiety in a FREE video

  • Does your dog whine, bark or cry when you leave the room? 
  • Do you feel you can’t leave them for even 20 minutes?
  • Are you unclear as to why it happens and what causes it?
  • You have tried everything you can think of….
  • You’ve told them where you are going and that you won’t be long. You’ve left lots of toys/chews. You’ve taken them for a long walk before you leave in the hope they will be too tired to notice you’ve left. You’ve even left their favourite radio station or TV channel on.

But nothing is working!
Don’t worry, you are not alone! Separation anxiety in dogs is common.

 Watch this 10 minute video to discover…

  • The REAL reason dogs suffer with separation anxiety (Spoiler alert: it’s not your fault)
  • How to start shifting your mindset to solving the problem
  • The next steps to truly start overcoming separation anxiety

So click the button to start helping your dog overcome separation anxiety today. 

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Who am I and how do I help?

My name is Julie Cluley, A little Peace of Mind Practitioner, Dog behaviour Coach, blogger, lover of wild swimming, wine and my dog Fudge.

I have owned and worked with dogs for over 14 years, so I have an excellent understanding of the issues you are going through with your dog and most importantly, I can help you solve them. I love talking all things dog-related and the techniques I use are proven to work.

I can help you remove concerns about how your dog behaves (whether at home or in public), provide the support you need in order to ensure your dog is relaxed, responsive and feels happy most of the time and I will help you improve your relationship with your dog for the long term.

I feel extremely lucky that I get to help and support dog owners having issues with their dogs AND literally anyone who feels they are struggling with anxiety, stress, overwhelm and busyness in this crazy world and would like to put the joy back into their life.