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5 surprising myths about Dog Behaviour

advice aggression dog behavior dog listening dog training dog walking Oct 30, 2023

Since 2006 I have been helping dog owners improve their dog's behaviour using an approach known as Dog Listening. 

Many clients have said to me " but this is the opposite of everything I have been told to do, yet it's working! " in a surprised voice...

There are are so many theories and so much advice around dog behaviour. It's mind blowing. Advice is offered from all different sources, from the person you met in the park sharing what has helped them, from googling frantically, to paying someone professional to help you. 

Like anything you need some advice about, it's helpful to gather information but then trust yourself, trust your intuition. Deep down you know what's best for your dog.

At the risk of adding to all the information out there, I would like to share 5 popular myths with you.  Consider them for yourself and make your own mind up about what might help you help your dog. 

Myth 1 - A dog's behaviour is dependent on it's breed.

Sweeping statements like all collies are nippy, all spaniels are bonkers or all staffies are aggressive are just not true. No sweeping statement can EVER be true but when it comes to dogs not only do we believe them, we take action from that place. It's super unhelpful and I will never ever blame your breed of dog for their behaviour.  

Myth 2 - Puppies must be socialised with everything before the age of 6 months or they will never be able to cope with the thing that you forgot to expose them too. 

OVER socialisation is a "thing" and it's becoming more common.

Much better to go at your puppies pace and expose them slowly to things as and when they are calm, relaxed and able to cope with them. 

Myth 3 - A dog must be walked every day even twice a day to be happy, relaxed and calm.

A dog that is barking excessively, reacting to other dogs/kids/cars/cats etc is not having much fun and reducing the walks or taking a break will allow their nervous system to relax and then the owner can build up to the walk again slowly.  Starting at home where the dog feels safe and calm.

Myth 4 - A dog must be obedience trained to be a relaxed, happy part of domestic family life .

Dogs are innately calm, relaxed and responsive. 

They know how to sit, they know how to walk next to you and they want to be near you by nature, the group is much safe together. 

Myth 5 - A dog's tail wagging means that it is happy.

No, this is not true. A dog's tail wagging means they are in a heightened state of arousal. This is really helpful to know because a dog could bite while wagging it's tail. 

No matter what a dog's tail is doing, it's really important never to approach a dog, always and I mean always call them to you. If everyone knew this tiny piece of information it would likely reduce the number of dog bites by about 95%. 

I bet if you take some time to think about this you could up with your own myths, things you have heard but they just don't seem true to you.   

When it comes to solutions for your dog's behaviour don't take anything you are told as true.  Take some time to decide "is this really true?"  does it work for my dog? does it feel good? If this answer is no, get creative there is always another way. 

If any this resonates, you can download my FREE workbook, learn the 4 Simple steps of Dog Listening and watch your dog relax, relax, relax.

Relaxed dogs are not reactive and don't bark excessively.

Peaceful paws always, 

Julie x 



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