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Dogs are never naughty!

advice anxiety barking behaviour dog listening dog training dog walking fear Oct 25, 2023

What do you think to the idea that no dogs are intentionally naughty? How does it make you feel?

Oooft when it was first suggested to me, I was like Whaaaat! of course they are and I can give you lots of examples!

  • Pulling on the lead
  • Charging up to other dogs 
  • Not listening on a walk 
  • Excessive barking 
  • Jumping up
  • Toileting in the home
  • I am sure you could make your own list of at least 3 things

However, take a moment and really think about it.  Every single dog behaviour is communication, that's it.  Super simple and when you insightfully understand this, then any action taken in order to change their behaviour is very different.

It makes no sense to shout at them and say "No" all the time, especially when you realise that they are generally doing things just to keep themselves AND YOU safe. 

Next time your dog behaves in a way that you don't like, take a moment to think about what they might actually be trying to say and take action from there. I promise they are not doing it just to Pxxs you off! 

Kindness is king and  it's a lot easier to be kind when we understand what's going on.

I had a beautiful conversation with my colleague Ali Carrington just last week about this very subject. If you are even slightly curious, check it out here 

Peaceful paws always, 

Julie x 

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