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Dog Listening - Trust the process

advice anxiety barking behaviour breed dog behaviour dog listening dog walking help holisitc training trust Jun 07, 2023

Trust in the process.  Why is this so much easier said than done?!

We get halfway through a process we know will help and then our attention drifts and we look for something, quicker, easier, new and shinier. 

The majority of my work in my Peaceful Paws Community & Course is pointing people back to the process of Dog Listening. It's simple, tried and tested, we know it works but still we struggle to trust.

All our dogs are naturally calm and relaxed until something happens to take them away from that lovely way of being. 

It's usually us that will do this, innocently, believing we are helping our dog to have a more fun life. 

For example: Taking a reactive dog to places where you know they might react, like a busy park and then trying to help them to relax. It just doesn't work! Many dogs are just too worried to learn anything. 

Dog Listening is a process that starts at home.  We go at the dog's pace, and by the time they get to the busy park they are so relaxed and trust their owner so much. They will have no need to get reactive, growling, lunging or barking. 

Dog Listening is a process that allows us to behave in a way that will ensure our dogs stay in their lovely relaxed, natural state for as much of their life as possible. 

And if you have been following my work for anytime at all, you will probably have realised that relaxed and calm dogs do not display behaviours like pulling madly on the lead, barking like a crazy thing, reacting to everything that moves, stressing when you leave them alone.  Literally anything that annoys you or worries you will be eliminated when your dog spends the majority of their day feeling relaxed.

Focus where your dog already feels relaxed and responsive and build up from there. 

Trust in the process of Dog Listening.

It could literally change your world. 

If any of this resonates, check out my free e-book here 

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