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Freedom from Separation Anxiety, Step 1 - Eye Contact and Energy!

advice attention behaviour dog eye contact greetings help intuition puppy training May 30, 2023

In order to change any of your dog's behaviour your dog needs to be relaxed and responsive to you. 

One of the best ways to help your dog become relaxed and responsive is to greet them in the correct way after you have been separated. 

If you find greeting your dog in the correct way is hard and this sounds familiar: 

"I know that not making eye contact when I first greet my dog after being apart is helpful, but it just feels so damn hard! "

I invite you for the next few weeks to think about greeting your dog with your energy, not your eyes. 

What does that even mean?! 

It means giving your dog time to get used to your presence by just being in their space. No need for verbal/eye or physical contact until everything is calm and your dog is back to their lovely relaxed and responsive natural state. Once your dog is back in this state give them the golden 5 minutes to actually enjoy your presence and their calm natural state. Now, call them to you and interact/play/have fun til your hearts content. 

This simple change in your behaviour will make a profound difference to your dog's behaviour. It will contribute to your dog understanding that they do not need to take care of you and this in turn will allow them to feel calm, relaxed and responsive more of the time. 

Don't take my word for it, go on give it a try and see what happens!

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Peaceful paws always. 
Julie x 

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