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The loss of our beloved dog, Fudge

dogs grief loss pets sad Jan 03, 2024

This Christmas has been very sad for my family and I as we said goodbye to our darling Fudge for the last time last Friday night. We were all with here and she passed peacefully. 

I know each and every one of you reading this will understand how we feel. Right now I have few words, I am just so sad. 

My logical rational brain knows that it was the right time for her. She had another seizure and with each episode she was struggling more with every day. It is the hardest decision yet when you know, you just know. 

This really does not change the feelings of loss and grief. Since Covid when almost all my work moved online, she has been with me on every call, every tea and toast break and in the last few months when she has been unwell she has been by my bed every night. I honestly did not realise just how much space in my world was Fudge sized until now there is a massive hole.  

The photo is a recent one of Fudge before she got ill. She is lying on her favourite bean bag which is actually mine! She had lots of dog beds but this was her favourite. 

We all know our own dog is the best! Fudge was the most perfect family pet, she loved cuddles and love, she had a never ending tolerance when the kids were younger and wanted to play all kinds of games with her and she was the most, loving loyal companion anyone could ever want. 

RIP my darling Fudge. 

I will be back in the New Year to share some exciting plans, challenges and ways that you will be able to deepen your understanding of Dog Listening and the very important role you play in making sure your dog lives their best life. 

In the meantime, Happy New Year!

Peaceful paws always,

Julie x 

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