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Reactive dogs - 1 super simple solution

advice aggression dog listening dog training dog walking reactive Nov 06, 2023


Of course it's true, but this knowledge is often drowned out by the noise in your head, telling you otherwise.

it goes something like this:

  • this dog's behaviour is not acceptable
  • every walk is really stressful, I must get this sorted
  • other people are making feel embarrassed 
  • my dog's barking drives me nuts
  • I feel awful when we have visitors as the dog goes bonkers
  • I know my dog doesn't really want to hurt themselves, but they pull on the lead so much their throat hurts and they cough
  • My dog has done things in the past that give me cause for concern in the future

We all have thoughts going through our minds all day every day, what if it was possible to just let them go, stop googling, and trust our intuition. 

Well that sounds great Julie, but how do you do that? 

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Trust yourself first and foremost.  As you are reading this blog, question me, question the information, don't just take it as correct. 

2. Acknowledgement is your first step, shine a light on the situation and be super honest with yourself.

3. Once the light is on, there is no darkness, 

4. As far as I can tell all of your dog's behaviour, no matter if it is good, bad or indifferent is simple communication. More on this in my FREE e-book, 4 Simple Solutions to improve your dog's behaviour. 

5. Start with love and compassion, if your dog is being reactive, could they be scared, anxious or nervous? Are they actually asking you to take them away from the situation? Could the solution really be that simple? Try it out for yourself.  

Think of a behaviour that your dog does and ask yourself with the above information in mind, what is the kind and compassionate response to the situation. 

6. Have confidence, your dog will keep you right always. 

If any of this resonates and you would like to know more, check out my FREE e-book. 4 simple solutions to your dog's behaviour and/or like my FB page here. This is where I share all sorts of dog behaviour related, tips and solutions. 

Peaceful paws always, 

Julie x 


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