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You can't change your dog, but you can change you!

anxiety dog behaviour mindset pyschology Feb 21, 2023

You can't change your dog, You can only change you. 

Pretty obvious when you think about it, I have known this on some level for many years, however recently that thought jumped into my head and I really really heard it, no actually I felt it to be true. 

If this is something that makes sense for you, it is going to literally change your world. 

With this understanding you have dropped a whole host of to do's off your list.... 

The focus is now on you and I am quick to add "not in a judgy, shaming, I should be a better person kind of a way." No, no no this is in a "oh my god all I have to do is switch the focus of everything I do to me and watch the magic begin kind of way" 

Let me explain, here is a little secret you might not know about your dog:

Your dog's behaviour comes down to one simple knowing - the way they behave is a direct result of their state of mind. 

So if they are feeling fear/panic/anxiety their behaviour will be coming from that place, I am sure you can relate! I certainly can. 

Alternatively if they feel relaxed, calm and happy their behaviour will be coming from that place. Relaxed, calm dogs don't bark excessively, pull on their lead or not relax in the evening. 

Simple solution: What can you do to help yourself feel relaxed, calm and happy? coming from this place your dog's behaviour is much less annoying and then what to do about it will become very very obvious. 

I love to sing, dance and swim and I even starting painting for the first time since school this week and loved it.

If that's the aim of the game, then let's get clear on what we love to do, what makes us happy and let's do more of it.  

Peaceful paws always. 

Julie x 

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