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Your dog is so unique, yet all dogs are the same......!

May 01, 2022

You may have noticed the heading for this blog is a paradox yet I see the truth of it every day working with so many dogs and their owners. 

Understanding this paradox can be very helpful when learning to listen to your dog and improve their behaviour.

I am sure you already know your dog is unique in so many ways. They have their own physical traits, their own personality, their own tolerance for us crazy humans and the crazy world we live in! 

However, every dog I have ever worked with is interested in survival as a number 1 priority and they all understand that survival is much much easier when they are part of a pack/team/family. 

Our dogs view their humans as part of the team.

They also realise that the team will work best if there is a calm and consistent leader in place. 

If they don't see this calm and consistent leader within their team (either dog or human) they will take on this role themselves. 

Remember that all our domestic dogs live in a world they do not understand. Let's be honest we humans live in a world we don't understand half the time! but at least we know where to get our food, we know if the visitors we have invited are friend or foe and we know what cars/hoovers and washing machines are for. They might be noisy and move fast but we understand why! our dogs have no idea. 

A dog that takes on this role of leader in a world they don't understand is going to be very confused, worried and stressed. 

This situation is the source of almost all our dog's non-veterinary behaviour issues. 

If you can convince your dog that you have taken on this role of leader of the team and are able to make all the decisions for your dog, they will trust you with their life and become relaxed, responsive and well behaved. 

In order to convince your dog that you are up for the job, there are 4 simple caring connections that make up THE PRACTICE OF DOG LISTENING and honestly learning Dog Listening is the solution to 99% of all non-veterinary related issues. 

If you have never heard of Dog Listening and you want to find out how to get your dog's behaviour's sorted! You can access my free dog workbook here and start to implement the first ritual. It's simply called FOOD. 

An introduction to Dog Listening. 

If you already know all about Dog Listening but need some professional, targeted support along with an action plan specific to your dog then come and join me in Dog Listening Camp. 

Dog Listening Camp (Transform your dog's behaviour in 6 weeks)

We kick off with a 1 x1 hour 1 2 1 call where I can point you exactly where to start and what to focus on for your personal situation to get the the best results.  

Peaceful paws always. 

Julie x 


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