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The day before fireworks, let it go... there is nothing you can do!

advice aggression anxiety barking behaviour dog listening fear fireworks help scared solutions training Oct 26, 2022

It's taken me a loooong time to have the confidence to write this blog. Why? because I am a people pleaser at heart and I really really want to help you with your dog's fear of fireworks.  I know how worried you are.  You can see your dog shaking and terrified and you want to help them and solve this right now.

I want that too, and I want it to go away right now for you too. 

However, deep down I know all the advice I have shared via blogs previously, although great and helpful, does not get to the source of the problem and subsequently has limited results...

The truth of the situation is this:

If you want your dog to not be scared of fireworks, you have to make changes to your own behaviour AND continue practicing this new way of being around your dog every day and you will see results by the next firework season.  

Phew, there I said it, there is no quick fix. 

Before you panic, the solution is really really simple, you can do it and your dog is not a lost cause. This works with any dog, any age and any breed. I have personally seen it happen time and time again since I starting helping dog owners with their dog's behaviour back in 2006. 

The solution is called Dog Listening and is made up of 4 simple steps. 

Before you go off and download the 4 simple steps in my free e-book here. there is even more good news. 

Once you start to implement these 4 steps you will get to experience some wonderful side effects as your dog relaxes and becomes more responsive to you. 

All living beings experience their world from the inside out, it explains why some people are scared of flying and some are not. It can't be the flying that's the problem or EVERYONE would be scared of it. It's got be what's going on inside that's the issue.

This is really really great news, this means you can stop trying to get rid of all fireworks, or even for many dogs, all loud noises. Now you know this you can focus on what is actually causing the behaviour you want to change. 

The real issue is not the fireworks themselves but the fear of fireworks. 

This is why all the solutions that I have shared so far and what you will generally read on the internet is not going to solve the problem for many many dogs. 

I agree turning up the music might work for a really deaf dog, but most dogs can still smell them and feel the vibrations. 

I am not saying that all my previous blogs on fireworks were rubbish ( I am not that daft!). However, although I agree that keeping their world small around fireworks night, not taking them out for walks, you being calm and not getting stressed about the problem is great advice and will help the situation on the night.  If you really really want to solve the problem, it's the fear that needs to be acknowledged and the correct action taken by you that will prevent your dog from feeling the fear. When there is no fear,  there is no shaking, no crying, no barking, no growling. Just a calm, relaxed dog sleeping the evening away on their bed. 

Fear is not something that can be medicated away, or dealt with when your dog is actually feeling the fear. You know yourself if you are scared it's very difficult to hear anything never mind actually learn something. 

If you have a dog that feels the fear and you want to help them relax, become more responsive and more confident then please please take action now and every day to ensure they can sleep through next season's fireworks feeling no fear. 

It is possible and it's really really simple. 

Here is a link to the 4 simple solutions you can use as your guide. Click here.

Peaceful paws always, 

Julie x

P.S If you would like my personal guidance, support and encouragement check out my online course for dog owners struggling with anxious dogs. We use the 4 simple solutions to reduce anxiety and help your dog become free of fear and enjoy relaxed, stress free walks. 


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