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Considering getting a dog? Things to think about!

Nov 30, 2022

I am often asked if I can offer anything helpful when someone is at the stage of "considering getting a dog". 

My first thought is always No, not really I can definitely help you once you have your dog and are looking to ensure they behave well and fit into your life.

However, I gave the question a bit more thought recently and I actually do have something to say on the subject, it's probably not what you have heard before, however if you take these points into account HONESTLY! your chances of finding yourself regretting your decision get a dog will be greatly reduced.

I am going to start with the do nots and common myths: 

  • Do not under any circumstances go to see a dog especially a puppy, before you are 100% sure that you want one, they make them cute for a reason!!
  • Don't be fooled by the mainstream narrative that if you have seen the parents they will be perfectly behaved and fit in with your family. It will tell you what to expect physically, but that's about it. 
  • If you go to a reputable breeder, you will know that you are going to get a good one, that is just not true. Dogs from reputable breeders may still have physical issues and the majority of behaviours that I help my clients are just because they are dogs and absolutely nothing to do with where the dog has come from
  • Rescue dogs are not automatically harder than dogs from a reputable breeder, just because you don't know what their parents look like or what their parents personality was like does not mean they will be badly behaved. 

Step 2, it's all about YOU:

Why do you want a dog and what are you actually looking for from this animal? (the use of the word animal is used intentionally there.)

Have a think about what you are actually looking for from a dog? 

Is it simply because you want a dog? probably not.... be honest with yourself here. 

Do you want a dog to help you get fit/healthy/slim? 

Do you want a dog because your kids want a dog? 

Do you want a dog because your current dog is getting old and you don't want to be without a dog? 

Do you want a dog because your partner works away? 

Do you want a dog because you feel lonely and it's a great way to get out and meet people? 

Do you want a dog to take with you everywhere? 

Do you want a dog to run with on dark nights so you will feel safer? 

I could go on and on, but it's really important to take the time to be really clear about why you want one, and therefore you will know what you want from this animal. 

Very very few humans want a dog to simply have a dog, myself included. 

The reason I want you to be clear about this, is so that you can then be realistic and please understand that not all dogs can fulfil all of these roles and in all honesty you can't really know how's it going to work until you actually have the dog in your life.

Getting a dog is always going to be a risk!

So as an example:  you want a dog to run with, just because it's in the breed of dog that we humans have decided need lots of exercise does not mean that your actual dog has the personality that wants to run. 

An analogy: It's very possible for all types of humans to play tennis, we don't all want to!

I always recommend if you have never had a dog before it's a great idea to borrow one regularly and then for a longer spell to really see what's involved and if it's something you want to do. 

Most people will agree a dog can be an amazing, wonderful addition to any home, but it does require a lot of sacrifices, learning, money and time to give a dog a wonderful home. 

Here are just some of things that you will think to yourself " if I get all the books and train my dog well, it won't":

  • Run away and give me the fright of my life
  • Follow me around the house 
  • Cry when left alone ( you need to spend time teaching your dog it's ok to be left alone, this is easier for some dogs than others) 
  • Bark too much and at inopportune moments
  • Not like every dog they meet ( no matter how much you socialise them) 
  • Not like every person they meet
  • Love every person they meet and want to jump on them
  • Love to travel in the car
  • Sleep well at night 

Again I could go on and on, but you get the picture. All of the above behaviours are normal dog behaviours and are something that need to be considered. 

So in short the decision to have a dog is less to do with what/where you get your dog from and way more to do with YOU. 

Are you ready for the unknown, are you ready to take a risk, are you prepared to make some sacrifices to give your dog a safe, stress free life.

If so fantastic, go out there and take a look.  

Remember no matter where your dog has come from, be it rescue, breeder or a friend's, sister's, auntie's cousin who died and now their dog needs a home. Your dog will behave like a dog first and foremost (obvious I know, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to treat a dog like a little human and then be annoyed when they catch and kill a rabbit, that's what dogs do).  Your dog will have it's own personality and will behave now, according to it's current situation and with that finally some good news........ their past you can't control but their present is something you can control and help them live their best most relaxed, stress free life. 

If you do decide to get a dog and would like to learn Dog Listening a simple process that can be used again and again to ensure you can enjoy relaxed, stress free walks. Check out my online course and community Peaceful Paws. I would love have to join me so I can support and encourage you every step of the way. Once you are in, you are in. No monthly Subscription, just a one off price for a life time of support for you and your dog. 

Peaceful Paws always, 

Julie x 


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