There are no quick fixes but there are solutions

advice dog behavior dog listening quick fix May 22, 2022

I would love to be able to share with you a quick fix that will solve your dog's problem behaviour. 

There are 100's of gadgets, techniques and even medication that will promise just that! 

So why am I resisting jumping on board the quick fix band wagon!!

For me it looks like all these quick fixes are attempts at and sometime successful at addressing the symptom of the problem that is being displayed. 

Dealing with symptoms is like a game of "wack-a-mole" remember that game at the fair that involves whacking the head of a mole as it pops up only to have another mole pop up somewhere else... It's quite fun but also very frustrating and exhausting when it goes on too long. 

The only way to really change a dog's behaviour is to get to the root of the problem and change the dog's mind about behaving in whatever way you want to change. 

So far I have only found 1 approach that does just that in a kind and gentle way.  It's called Dog Listening. 

If you have never heard of Dog Listening and you want to know more.  Access my free dog workbook here and start to implement the first ritual. It's simply called FOOD. 

An introduction to Dog Listening. 

If you are already familiar with Dog Listening, but have a dog who is super smart and you are feeling frustrated and anxious and want to become an expert Dog Listener quickly....

Let me help you get your dog's behaviour "sorted, asap" come and join me for

Peaceful Paws Course and Community (Transform your dog's behaviour in 6 weeks)

We kick off with a 1 x1 hour 1 2 1 call where I can point you exactly where to start and what to focus on for your personal situation to get the the best results.  

Peaceful paws always. 

Julie x